A Little Humor...

Sayings A collection of clever .sig files. Ex.: After a year in therapy, my psychiatrist said to me, "Maybe life isn't for everyone."
Quotations An indexed collection of notable quotations. Ex.: Politics. From the greek "poly", meaning many, and ticks, a small, annoying bloodsucker.
Lawyer Jokes Ex.: Q: What do you call 535 lawyers at the bottom of the Potomac? A: A good start! (Note: many are unsuitable for younger audiences...)
Pilots An 11 year old's view of the aviation profession. A British view on Cockpit Resource Management. The lighthouse. Aircraft Maintenance.
Lawnchair Larry Walters and the famous 16,000 foot high lawnchair flight.
JATO The "Darwin" award, an annual honor given to the person who did the gene pool the biggest service by killing him- or her- self in the most extraordinarily stupid way. heaven and Hell.
Quayle Malapropisms courtesy of our former Vice-President
Downsizing It's probably not funny if it happens to you, but...
Prolix Convoluted legal terminology. Also a few newspaper headlines and church announcements with double meanings.
Inet Reporters How to write a story about something you know absolutely nothing about.
Kitty Porn More ammunition for ignorant reporters.
The Toilet Police Another great Dave Barry column.
Closed Mind Forty excuses for inaction.
Myrtle Airline captains, the Cat and Duck Method of instrument flying, Nigerian aircraft maintenance, a wheel well ride, captain sucked out of his airliner, and failed predictions of the future.
Bart Simpson Bart Simpson is writing something 100,000 times on the chalkboard...
It's a Miracle! "They've got Pepsi in the Andes McDonalds in Tibet"
Oxymorons "Military Intelligence", Government Organization". New elements
Spam More than just a lunch meat: unwanted e-mail and what to do about it. This is the original Monty Python skit. Also includes a flame template.
Urban Legends Widely quoted stories that may or may not be true.
Windows Error Messages Documentation for some of those cryptic messages that come up from time to time.
Cats "These is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast."
Aging "you know you're getting old when everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work "